كتاب Total English - فوق المتوسط - الوحدة 7 - المفردات
ستجد هنا الكلمات من الوحدة السابعة - المفردات في كتاب دورة اللغة الإنجليزية للمستوى فوق المتوسط، مثل "proud"، و"overtire"، و"retrain"، وما إلى ذلك.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
feeling satisfied with someone or one's possessions, achievements, etc.
فخور, مفتخر
feeling embarrassed, anxious, or uneasy because of a situation or circumstance
غير مريح, محرج
used to form words that relate to concepts or entities that are singular or alone
a spoken expression of one's thoughts or feelings, typically directed towards an audience, delivered by a single individual
مونولوج, خطبة
used to indicate something additional or beyond the usual
إضافي, إكسترا
(of a size) larger than large, often used for clothing, packaging, or other items
كبير جدا, إضافي كبير
clothing or garments that are designed for individuals who require sizes beyond the standard range, typically larger or smaller than the average sizes available
حجم صغير جداً, حجم صغير للغاية
used to indicate an excess of something, implying that the quantity or amount of something is greater than necessary or beyond a certain limit
فوق-, أكثر من
to exhaust someone excessively beyond normal limits
أرهق, أتعاب بشكل مفرط
to work too much, often to the point of exhaustion or burnout
يعمل بشكل زائد, يجهد نفسه
used to indicate that something is beneath, below, inferior, or subordinate to something else
تحت-, اسفل
to regard something or someone as smaller or less important than they really are
يقلل من قيمة, يستخف
to cook food for less time than necessary
طهي بشكل غير كاف, طهي لفترة أقل من اللازم
to pay someone less than what is fair or reasonable for their work or services
يدفع أقل, يقلل من قيمة الأجر
used to indicate a repeated action, a reversal of a previous action, or a return to a previous state or condition
إعادة-, رجوع-
to teach someone new skills or knowledge for improvement in the current job, or to enable them to work in a different field
إعادة تدريب, تأهيل
to write something differently, often in order to improve it
إعادة كتابة, تعديل
used to indicate the presence of two of something, or that something has two parts or aspects
a vehicle with two wheels that we ride by pushing its pedals with our feet
دراجة, دراجة هوائية
involving or relating to multiple countries or nationalities
متعدد الجنسيات, عابر للحدود
the application of images, text, audio, and video files collectively
وسائط متعددة, وسائط متعددة
designed or intended for multiple uses or functions
متعدد الاستخدامات, متعدد الوظائف
used to describe a person or thing that was previously in a particular position or relationship but is not anymore
سابق-, سابق
a woman who was previously in a romantic relationship with someone but is no longer together with them
صديقة سابقة, شريكة سابقة
a man who was previously married to someone but is no longer married to them
الزوج السابق, زوج سابق