
Kỹ Năng Từ Vựng SAT 6 - Bài học 45


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SAT Word Skills 6

a casual and affectionate term for a girl or young woman

cô gái, phụ nữ trẻ

cô gái, phụ nữ trẻ

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an affectionate and informal term used to refer to a young boy

cậu bé, trai nhỏ

cậu bé, trai nhỏ

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a female mammal such as a deer or rabbit

cái, dê cái

cái, dê cái

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a fixed amount of something that is officially allowed to each person during a particular time, especially during a war or other period of shortage

phân bổ, phần ăn

phân bổ, phần ăn

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a closely connected group of people, things, or ideas

nexus, mối liên hệ

nexus, mối liên hệ

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a clever or cunning maneuver designed to achieve a particular end

kế sách, mưu mẹo

kế sách, mưu mẹo

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family or relatives collectively

họ hàng, gia đình

họ hàng, gia đình

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someone who belongs to the middle class and is often seen as having conventional or materialistic attitudes

burgeois, tầng lớp trung lưu

burgeois, tầng lớp trung lưu

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a person who brings widespread suffering or devastation

tai họa, giặc

tai họa, giặc

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a sharp or pointed remark that is intended to criticize or upset someone

lời châm biếm, nhận xét châm chọc

lời châm biếm, nhận xét châm chọc

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the wreckage from a ship or its cargo that floats on the surface of the water or is washed ashore by the sea

mảnh vỡ nổi, đồ đạc dạt vào bờ

mảnh vỡ nổi, đồ đạc dạt vào bờ

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a sturdy type of work shoe that covers the ankle and is often made of leather

brogan, giày làm việc

brogan, giày làm việc

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a type of pottery that is made from clay that is fired at relatively low temperatures, resulting in a porous, rustic, and often glazed ceramic material

đồ gốm, gạch nung

đồ gốm, gạch nung

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(law) a formal statement made by someone confirming or denying their accusation

kháng cáo, đơn khởi kiện

kháng cáo, đơn khởi kiện

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a wooden frame or piece of equipment worn over the shoulders and neck to carry or support heavy loads

đồ nối, yoke

đồ nối, yoke

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the ability to move or act in a secretive or inconspicuous manner, often to avoid being noticed or detected by others

sự bí mật, sự tàng hình

sự bí mật, sự tàng hình

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(Hindu mythology) a deity's manifestation or incarnation in earthly form, often to fulfill a particular purpose or mission

hóa thân,  hiện thân

hóa thân, hiện thân

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a lyric poem, written in varied or irregular metrical form, for a particular object, person, or concept

hùng ca

hùng ca

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public or formal expressions of praise or approval

vỗ tay, khen ngợi

vỗ tay, khen ngợi

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something that feels like it could cause harm or trouble, making people worried or uneasy

mối đe dọa, nguy hiểm

mối đe dọa, nguy hiểm

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