used to imply that we should not prematurely assume the outcome of a situation, but rather remain persistent and open-minded, as there may still be opportunities for success
used to imply that success is achieved through hard work, perseverance, and determination, highlighting the importance of resilience and persistence in accomplishing one's goals
used to imply the more one consumes or experiences something, the more one desires it
used to imply that challenging tasks can be accomplished with effort and determination, and that seemingly impossible goals are still achievable but may require more time, patience, perseverance, and effort
used to suggest that it is important to prove oneself worthy of something through hard work, dedication, and effort, before feeling entitled to it
used to emphasize that starting a task or project can be difficult due to fear and uncertainty, but taking the first step is essential to building momentum and achieving success
used to imply that to achieve a desired outcome or goal, one must be willing to put in the necessary effort, take risks, and face challenges
used to imply that it is preferable to live an active and engaged life, even if it leads to exhaustion, rather than leading an idle and unfulfilling life, which can result in physical and mental decline
used to imply that success or good fortune is often the result of hard work, persistence, and consistent effort over time
used to suggest that hard work and effort are necessary for success and that where people are actively engaged in work, there will be a favorable outcome or reward
used to suggest that engaging in productive activity, such as work, is generally beneficial to a person's well-being and should be embraced rather than avoided
used to suggest that regardless of how bad a situation may seem, it is always possible to make amends or improve the situation through positive action and effort
used to imply that if you work hard and diligently to maintain your business, it will provide for you and help you to achieve financial stability and success
used to suggest that once someone has committed to a course of action, it is better to fully commit and take additional risk or expense rather than giving up halfway through
used to encourage people to take action and put in the necessary effort to achieve their goals, rather than simply waiting for success to come to them