'None' refers to 'not any' and 'nothing' refers to 'not anything'. let us get to know them.

"None" vs. "Nothing" in the English Grammar

What Are Their Main Differences?

'None' refers to 'not any' or 'not one', and nothing refers to 'not anything' or 'no thing'. 'None' and 'Nothing' are slightly different because they are used with different nouns.


Nouns They Refer to

  • 'None':

is mostly used with countable nouns.

I needed candles for the cake, but none were left.

  • 'Nothing':

is usually used with uncountable nouns.

Nothing was given to the court. The evidence is not clear.

Using 'of'

  • 'None of':

is used with pronouns, plural nouns, or nouns with determiners.

None of his friends are older than him.

  • 'Nothing of':

is just used as idioms, but mainly it is not followed by 'of'.

This sea animal has been discovered recently. Nothing of the kind has been seen before.


Grammatical Functions

  • 'Nothing' and 'none':

are pronouns.

She asked for the spare keys, but I had none.

I have done nothing.

Using Affirmative Verbs

  • 'None' and 'nothing':

are used with affirmative verbs.

The doctor said nothing about the surgery.

All the students went to the party, but none were enjoying it.


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