'Although' and 'yet' can express the meaning 'but.' In this lesson, we will learn the similarities and differences between these two conjunctions.

"Although" vs. "yet" in the English grammar

What Is Their Main Difference?

The main difference between 'Although' and 'yet' is in their parts of speech. 'Although' is a subordinating conjunction while 'yet' is a coordinating conjunction.

Parts of Speech

'Although' and 'yet' are conjunctions. However, they are categorized n different types of conjunctions.

  • 'Although' is a subordinating conjunction.
  • 'Yet' is a coordinating conjunction.

Both are also classified as conjunctions of concession and contrast.
Take a look at the following examples:

Although the mayor is known for lying, everyone voted for him.

The mayor is known for lying; yet, everyone voted for him.

Position in a Sentence

As mentioned earlier, 'although' is a subordinating conjunction therefore it connects two dependent clauses. We can place 'although' at the beginning or the middle of the sentence and the meaning of the sentence would not change.
'Yet' is a coordinating conjunction. It only connects two meaningful independent clauses that are grammatically similar. We cannot place 'yet' at the beginning of the sentence as the final product would not be a sentence but a sentence fragment.
Take a look at the examples below for clarity:

Although he spent hours teaching, they didn't learn.

✓ They didn't learn, although he spent hours teaching.

✓ He spent hours teaching, yet they didn't learn.

Yet they didn't learn, he spent hours teaching.

Take another look at the examples illustrated above. 'Although' introduces reason while 'yet' introduces result.


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