for intermediate learners

Based on what we can or cannot perceive with our five senses, we can categorize nouns into two groups: abstract and common nouns. Start learning!

"Abstract and Concrete" Nouns in English Grammar

What Are Abstract and Concrete Nouns?

Abstract nouns refer to nouns that represent concepts, ideas, or qualities, rather than physical objects that can be seen, touched, or heard.
On the other hand, concrete nouns refer to physical entities such as people, animals, and objects that can be perceived through the senses of sight, touch, taste, smell, or hearing.

Examples of Abstract and Concrete Nouns

In the table below, you can see some of the common abstract and concrete nouns in English:

Abstract nouns Concrete nouns
Beauty Book
Freedom Child
Sadness Dog
Stupidity Ball
Anger Ice cream cone

Categorization of Abstract Nouns

We can categorize abstract nouns into different categories:

  • Emotions: anger, joy, passion
  • States: being, peace, freedom
  • Feelings: fear, stress, love
  • Qualities: beauty, honesty, trust
  • Concepts: culture, faith, chance
  • Ideas: democracy, wisdom, religion
  • Events: birthday, marriage, death


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