C2 Level Wordlist - Education
Here you will learn all the essential words for talking about Education, collected specifically for level C2 learners.
a social club for female students in a university or college, especially in the US and Canada
a social club for male students in a university or college, especially in the US and Canada
a person, particularly a male one, who is a former student of a college, university, or school
a formal ceremony marking the completion of an academic program, typically involving the awarding of diplomas or degrees to students who have successfully completed their studies
a financial contribution or asset given to support specific purposes, like education or charitable activities
an elite student with the highest grade throughout school that gets chosen to give a speech at their graduation ceremony
a point against someone for a fault or wrongdoing, often used in educational or disciplinary contexts
a supervised practical experience or training period, often part of an academic course, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings
a person who overly emphasizes minor details or rules, often displaying a pretentious or excessive concern for academic correctness
a detailed written account of a particular subject, usually in the format of a short book
a person, typically a child, who demonstrates exceptional talent or ability in a particular area, often beyond what is considered normal for their age
a school or college that people attend to for studying music, theater, or some other form of art
to monitor, especially during an examination, to ensure that rules are followed and cheating is prevented