Lista de Palabras Nivel C2 - Education
Aquí aprenderá todas las palabras esenciales para hablar de Educación, recopiladas específicamente para estudiantes de nivel C2.
Tarjetas de memoria
a social club for female students in a university or college, especially in the US and Canada

a social club for male students in a university or college, especially in the US and Canada

a person, particularly a male one, who is a former student of a college, university, or school

a formal ceremony marking the completion of an academic program, typically involving the awarding of diplomas or degrees to students who have successfully completed their studies

ceremonia de graduación
a financial contribution or asset given to support specific purposes, like education or charitable activities

donación, legado
a number indicating how well a student is doing in the US education system

promedio de calificaciones
a formal permission to be absent, especially from a school or other institution

permiso de ausencia, exeat

an elite student with the highest grade throughout school that gets chosen to give a speech at their graduation ceremony

estudiante que pronuncia el discurso de despedida
a point against someone for a fault or wrongdoing, often used in educational or disciplinary contexts

a translation or paraphrase of a literary work, often used for study or reference

resumen, nota de estudio

a supervised practical experience or training period, often part of an academic course, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings

práctica supervisada, curso práctico

a financial grant or scholarship typically awarded to support a student's education

beca, subvención

the formal enrollment process at a university or college

matriculación, inscripción

a person who overly emphasizes minor details or rules, often displaying a pretentious or excessive concern for academic correctness

a detailed written account of a particular subject, usually in the format of a short book

a person, typically a child, who demonstrates exceptional talent or ability in a particular area, often beyond what is considered normal for their age

a school or college that people attend to for studying music, theater, or some other form of art

to fail in reaching the required standard to succeed in a test, course of study, etc.

to monitor, especially during an examination, to ensure that rules are followed and cheating is prevented

to deliberately absent oneself from a class or school activity without permission

hacer novillos, fugarse de la escuela

involving or combining multiple academic disciplines or fields of study
