
المجتمع، القانون و السياسة - Society

إتقان المصطلحات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالمجتمع، مثل "إنشاء قضية مشتركة" و"هجرة الأدمغة".




بطاقات الفلاش


اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
English idioms related to Society, Law & Politics
to make common cause

to join with someone to achieve a common goal

in a body

in one group together

there is safety in numbers

used for saying that being with other people makes a situation or activity less dangerous

to go with the tide

to act or think in the same way as the majority of people in a society

laced mutton

someone who earns money by having sex with people

red-light district

an area in a city or town that is filled with strip clubs, brothels, and other sex oriented businesses

حي الضوء الأحمر, منطقة الدعارة

حي الضوء الأحمر, منطقة الدعارة

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brain drain

a situation in which highly intelligent or skilled people of a country move to another country so that they can live a better life

هجرة العقول, نزيف العقول

هجرة العقول, نزيف العقول

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glass ceiling

an invisible barrier or limitation that prevents certain groups, particularly women or minority individuals, from advancing to higher positions or achieving higher levels of success in a professional or organizational context

سقف زجاجي, حاجز غير مرئي

سقف زجاجي, حاجز غير مرئي

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to come out of the closet

to no longer keep one's sexual preference or gender identity a secret

to jump on the bandwagon

to attempt to become popular or successful by doing something that is becoming fashionable

to go to the polls

to give a vote in an election

gray vote

voting power held by older adults or senior citizens in elections

صوت الشيوخ, صوت كبار السن

صوت الشيوخ, صوت كبار السن

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a sign of the times

something that shows how the society is like now, particularly how bad it is

with one voice

with everyone expressing the same opinion

grass roots

the ordinary people with a common interest who form the foundation of a movement, organization, or political party

الجذور الشعبية, المستوى الشعبي

الجذور الشعبية, المستوى الشعبي

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