
الأطعمة والمشروبات - مشروبات غير كحولية

هنا سوف تتعلم أسماء بعض المشروبات غير الكحولية باللغة الإنجليزية مثل "كومبوتشا"، و"عصير الليمون"، و"لاسي".




بطاقات الفلاش




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Words Related to Foods and Drinks
root beer

a type of carbonated soft drink that is usually flavored with extracts from the roots of sassafras or sarsaparilla plants, and often contains vanilla, wintergreen, and other flavorings

بيرة الجذر, مشروب غازي بجذور

بيرة الجذر, مشروب غازي بجذور

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a fermented tea beverage that is typically made by adding a culture of bacteria and yeast to sweetened tea

كمبوتشا, شاي كمبوتشا

كمبوتشا, شاي كمبوتشا

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bubble tea

a Taiwanese tea-based beverage that typically contains black tea, milk, sugar, and chewy tapioca pearls or other toppings

شاي الفقاعات, شاي بوبا

شاي الفقاعات, شاي بوبا

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a Spanish term that refers to a beverage made by blending fruits, vegetables, milk or yogurt, and often sweeteners

عصير, شراب مخلوط

عصير, شراب مخلوط

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a traditional yogurt-based drink from the Indian subcontinent, often flavored with fruits, spices, or herbs, and sometimes sweetened with sugar or honey

لاسّي, مشروب الزبادي

لاسّي, مشروب الزبادي

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a drink served with a lot of small pieces of ice

فراشيه, مجمد

فراشيه, مجمد

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agua fresca

a refreshing Mexican beverage made from fresh fruits, water, and sugar, often blended together to create a light and fruity drink

أكوا فريشا, مشروب منعش

أكوا فريشا, مشروب منعش

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a yogurt-based Turkish beverage, often flavored with herbs or spices, consumed as a drink or condiment



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a traditional fermented beverage that originated in Eastern Europe, typically made from rye bread or other grains, and often flavored with fruits or herbs

كفاس, مشروب مخمر

كفاس, مشروب مخمر

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ginger beer

a sweet fizzy drink with ginger flavor, which is usually non-alcoholic

بيرة زنجبيل, مشروب زنجبيل

بيرة زنجبيل, مشروب زنجبيل

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corn meal that is cooked and eaten as mush or that is drunk as a thin gruel

أتول, عصيدة الذرة

أتول, عصيدة الذرة

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a traditional Mexican and Spanish beverage made from rice or other grains, water, and sweeteners, often flavored with cinnamon or other spices



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a fermented beverage made from grains such as wheat, corn, or millet, and sweetened with ingredients such as sugar, honey, or fruit



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iced tea

a beverage made by steeping tea leaves in hot water, then cooling the resulting tea and serving it over ice

شاي مثلج

شاي مثلج

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iced coffee

a type of coffee that is served cold, often over ice, often mixed with milk, cream, or sugar to make it taste better

قهوة مثلجة, قهوة باردة

قهوة مثلجة, قهوة باردة

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a sweet fizzy drink that is not alcoholic

صودا, مشروب غازي

صودا, مشروب غازي

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a drink made with water, sugar, and lemon juice

عصير الليمون

عصير الليمون

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a brown and sweet drink with gas and no alcohol in it

كولا, مشروب غازي

كولا, مشروب غازي

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ginger ale

a clear sparkling non-alcoholic drink with ginger flavor, usually mixed with alcoholic drinks

مشروب الزنجبيل, صودا الزنجبيل

مشروب الزنجبيل, صودا الزنجبيل

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barley water

a drink made by leaving barely in boiling water, usually with orange or lemon flavor

ماء الشعير

ماء الشعير

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a fermented dairy drink with probiotic properties, made from milk and kefir grains, used for drinking or cooking



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cold brew

a type of coffee that is steeped in cold water for an extended period of time, typically 12-24 hours

قهوة باردة, قهوة مفلترة باردة

قهوة باردة, قهوة مفلترة باردة

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a blended coffee-based beverage made with ice, milk, and flavored syrup, often topped with whipped cream

فرابتشينو, قهوة مثلجة

فرابتشينو, قهوة مثلجة

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a sweet, refreshing beverage made by combining fruit juice with sugar and water

عصير, مشروب حلو

عصير, مشروب حلو

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fruit juice

a drink that is made by extracting the liquid that exists inside of fruits

عصير فواكه, عصير من الفواكه

عصير فواكه, عصير من الفواكه

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club soda

a carbonated water that contains added minerals such as sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, and potassium sulfate, giving it a slightly salty taste

مياه غازية, صودا النادي

مياه غازية, صودا النادي

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a sweetened sparkling drink with lime flavor

عصير الليمون الغازي, ليمادة

عصير الليمون الغازي, ليمادة

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a carbonated drink that is similar to soda, often flavored with fruit juices or extracts, and often served over ice

فز, مشروب غازي

فز, مشروب غازي

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a non-alcoholic drink which can be mixed with alcohol

خلاط, مشروب خليط

خلاط, مشروب خليط

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a type of fizzy water that can be mixed with other drinks such as gin or vodka



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a drink made by muddling or smashing ingredients together to release their flavors and create a refreshing beverage

سمش, مشروب سمش

سمش, مشروب سمش

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a type of dark substance made from beef, used in making drinks or cooking



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the liquid left after butter has been produced, which can be drunk or used in cooking

اللبن الرائب, السائل المتبقي من الزبدة

اللبن الرائب, السائل المتبقي من الزبدة

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the brand of a sweet and brown drink that has bubbles in it

كوكولا, كوكا كولا

كوكولا, كوكا كولا

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cream soda

a sweet sparkling drink with vanilla flavor

صودا كريما, مشروب صودا بالفانيليا

صودا كريما, مشروب صودا بالفانيليا

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a sweet drink made with malted milk powder and hot milk



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a sweetened drink with orange flavor that in the UK it is carbonated but in the US it is consumed both with and without bubbles

عصير برتقال, مشروب غازي بنكهة البرتقال

عصير برتقال, مشروب غازي بنكهة البرتقال

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orange squash

a thick sweetened drink made with orange juice and water

عصير البرتقال, مشروب برتقال

عصير البرتقال, مشروب برتقال

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a fizzy drink with sarsaparilla flavor

مشروب السارساباريللا

مشروب السارساباريللا

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