
كتاب Interchange - ما قبل المتوسط - الوحدة 13 - الجزء 2

ستجد هنا مفردات الوحدة 13 - الجزء 2 في كتاب Interchange للمستوى ما قبل المتوسط، مثل "مراجعة"، و"مقرمش"، و"أجر"، وما إلى ذلك.




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Interchange - Pre-intermediate

a vegetable

خضار, نبات

خضار, نبات

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a drink made with water, sugar, and lemon juice

عصير الليمون

عصير الليمون

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a meal we eat in the middle of the day

غداء, وجبة الغداء

غداء, وجبة الغداء

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a type of hamburger topped with melted cheese, typically served on a bun

تشيز برجر, هامبرغر بالجبن

تشيز برجر, هامبرغر بالجبن

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different or better than what is normal

خاص, مميز

خاص, مميز

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sparkling water

water which is carbonated or fizzy

مياه غازية, مياه فواره

مياه غازية, مياه فواره

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to review

to reconsider something, especially in order to make a decision about it or make modifications to it

مراجعة, فحص

مراجعة, فحص

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food truck

a large vehicle equipped with a kitchen that sells freshly prepared meals, snacks, or beverages in different locations

عربة الطعام, شاحنة الطعام

عربة الطعام, شاحنة الطعام

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at least

in a manner that conveys the minimum amount or number needed

على الأقل, على الدنيا

على الأقل, على الدنيا

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‌sweet food eaten after the main dish



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to recommend

to suggest to someone that something is good, convenient, etc.

يوصي, يقترح

يوصي, يقترح

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to try

to test something by doing or using it to find out if it is suitable, useful, good, etc.

تجربة, محاولة

تجربة, محاولة

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(of food) having a firm, dry texture that makes a sharp, crunching sound when broken or bitten

مقرمش, مقرمشات

مقرمش, مقرمشات

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kind and nice toward other people

ودود, لطيف

ودود, لطيف

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the act of serving customers in a restaurant, etc.

خدمة, خدمات

خدمة, خدمات

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to improve

to make a person or thing better

تحسين, تطوير

تحسين, تطوير

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to hope

to want something to happen or be true

يأمل, يتمنى

يأمل, يتمنى

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to tip

to give a small amount of money to a waiter, driver, etc. to thank them for their services

أعطى بقشيش, ترك بقشيش

أعطى بقشيش, ترك بقشيش

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words or expressions that are very informal and more common in spoken form, used especially by a particular group of people, such as criminals, children, etc.

عامية, لغة غير رسمية

عامية, لغة غير رسمية

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to provide

to give someone what is needed or necessary

توفير, تزويد

توفير, تزويد

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to vary

to make changes to or modify something, making it slightly different

يتنوع, يعدل

يتنوع, يعدل

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to rely on

to have faith in someone or something

يعتمد على, يثق في

يعتمد على, يثق في

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to add

to put something such as an ingredient, additional element, etc. together with something else

يضيف, أضاف

يضيف, أضاف

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money that a person earns, daily or weekly, in exchange for their work

أجر, راتب

أجر, راتب

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a large place where planes take off and land, with buildings and facilities for passengers to wait for their flights



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taxi driver

someone whose job involves driving a taxi and taking people to different places

سائق تاكسي, سائق سيارة الأجرة

سائق تاكسي, سائق سيارة الأجرة

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someone whose job is to cut people's hair or arrange it

مصفف الشعر, قصاص الشعر

مصفف الشعر, قصاص الشعر

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a person who is employed by a hotel to carry the guests' baggage to their rooms

عامل الحقائب, موظف الاستقبال

عامل الحقائب, موظف الاستقبال

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having a lot of weight and not easy to move or pick up

ثقيل, عظيم الوزن

ثقيل, عظيم الوزن

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a case with a handle, used for carrying clothes, etc. when we are traveling

حقيبة سفر, شنطة سفر

حقيبة سفر, شنطة سفر

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as well

used to express additional information or to say that something is true in a similar manner

أيضًا, كذلك

أيضًا, كذلك

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the general beliefs, customs, and lifestyles of a specific society

ثقافة, حضارة

ثقافة, حضارة

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on a very infrequent basis

نادرا, نادرا ما

نادرا, نادرا ما

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in fact

used to introduce a statement that provides additional information or emphasizes the truth or reality of a situation

في الواقع, حقاً

في الواقع, حقاً

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not clear or easily understood

مرتبك, مبهم

مرتبك, مبهم

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before the present or specified time



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the total number or quantity of something

كمية, مقدار

كمية, مقدار

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commonly done or practiced within a specific situation, place, or society

معتاد, تقليدي

معتاد, تقليدي

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according to

in a way that follows or obeys a particular particular plan, system, or set of rules

وفقا ل, بحسب

وفقا ل, بحسب

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[حرف جر]

somewhere, someone, or something that originates something else

مصدر, أصل

مصدر, أصل

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calculated by adding a set of numbers together and dividing this amount by the total number of amounts in that set

متوسط, عادي

متوسط, عادي

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used to show likelihood or possibility without absolute certainty

على الأرجح, من المحتمل

على الأرجح, من المحتمل

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anything that is given as a reward to someone who has done very good work or to the winner of a contest, game of chance, etc.

جائزة, مكافأة

جائزة, مكافأة

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having a willingness to freely give or share something with others, without expecting anything in return

سخي, سخية

سخي, سخية

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nursing school

a place where students can learn how to become nurses

مدرسة التمريض, معهد التمريض

مدرسة التمريض, معهد التمريض

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the money that is paid to a professional or an organization for their services

رسوم, أتعاب

رسوم, أتعاب

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a woman who brings people food and drinks in restaurants, cafes, etc.



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