
كتاب Interchange - متوسط - الوحدة 6 - الجزء 2

ستجد هنا المفردات من الوحدة 6 - الجزء 2 في كتاب الدورة التدريبية Interchange Intermediate، مثل "أعترف"، و"بوفيه"، و"الجنون"، وما إلى ذلك.




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Interchange - Intermediate

in or into a room, building, etc.

داخل, في داخل

داخل, في داخل

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in an open area surrounding a building

في الخارج, خارج

في الخارج, خارج

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someone who is not familiar with a place because it is the first time they have ever been there

غريب, أجنبي

غريب, أجنبي

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a platform above the ground level and on the outside wall of a building that we can get into from the upper floor

شرفة, تراس

شرفة, تراس

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to be able to do somehing, make something, etc.

يستطيع, يمكنه

يستطيع, يمكنه

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used to show the possibility of something happening or being the case

يمكن أن, قد يكون

يمكن أن, قد يكون

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used to offer or ask for advice

أحب أن, كنت سأكون

أحب أن, كنت سأكون

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to mind

(often used in negative or question form) to be upset, offended, or bothered by something

ينزعج, يقلق

ينزعج, يقلق

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to keep

to have or continue to have something

احتفظ بـ, ابق على

احتفظ بـ, ابق على

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to park

to move a car, bus, etc. into an empty place and leave it there for a short time

ركن, أوقف

ركن, أوقف

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something that a person says or writes that shows they regret what they did to someone

اعتذار, عذر

اعتذار, عذر

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to request

to ask for something politely or formally

يطلب, يطالب

يطلب, يطالب

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to admit

to agree with the truth of something, particularly in an unwilling manner

يعترف, يقبل

يعترف, يقبل

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an act or opinion that is wrong

خطأ, زلة

خطأ, زلة

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a statement in which one expresses readiness or willingness to do something for someone or give something to them

عرض, اقتراح

عرض, اقتراح

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very strange, unusual, and not natural, in a way that is difficult to understand

غريب, غير عادي

غريب, غير عادي

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to interview

to ask someone questions to see whether they are qualified for a course of study, job, etc.

مقابلة, يستجوب

مقابلة, يستجوب

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to lend

to give someone something, like money, expecting them to give it back after a while

إقراض, أعطى قرضا

إقراض, أعطى قرضا

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a soft, red juicy fruit with small seeds on its surface



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to oversleep

to wake up later than one intended to

ينام طويلاً, يستيقظ متأخراً

ينام طويلاً, يستيقظ متأخراً

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a meal with many dishes from which people serve themselves at a table and then eat elsewhere

بوفيه, مأدبة

بوفيه, مأدبة

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to gain

to obtain something through one's own actions or hard work

يكتسب, يحصل على

يكتسب, يحصل على

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to snore

to breathe through one's nose and mouth in a noisy way while asleep

يشخر, يتنفس بصوت أثناء النوم

يشخر, يتنفس بصوت أثناء النوم

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someone who is receiving medical treatment, particularly in a hospital or from a doctor



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an assurance or declaration indicating the possible success or occurrence of something in the future

وعد, تعهد

وعد, تعهد

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to realize

to have a sudden or complete understanding of a fact or situation

يدرك, يعي

يدرك, يعي

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in a way that is very bad or unpleasant

بشكل رهيب, بشكل سيئ جدا

بشكل رهيب, بشكل سيئ جدا

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of, connected with, or affecting all the people in a society

عام, عمومي

عام, عمومي

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very stupid behavior that could develop into a dangerous situation

جنون, هوس

جنون, هوس

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a person who greets and deals with people arriving at or calling a hotel, office building, doctor's office, etc.

موظف الاستقبال

موظف الاستقبال

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someone whose job is to serve meals to customers in a restaurant

نادل, نادلة

نادل, نادلة

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a highly trained cook who often cooks for hotels or restaurants

طاهي, طباخ

طاهي, طباخ

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someone who is in charge of running a business or managing part or all of a company or organization

مدير, مسؤول

مدير, مسؤول

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good enough to meet the minimum standard or requirement

مُرضٍ, مقبول

مُرضٍ, مقبول

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not able to occur, exist, or be done



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