صفات السمات البشرية المجردة - صفات السمات الشخصية الإيجابية
تصف هذه الصفات الصفات والسلوكيات المرغوبة التي تعزز التفاعلات والعلاقات، مثل "محترم" و"متعاطف" و"داعم" وما إلى ذلك.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
kind and pleasant in nature, often thoughtful and caring toward others
عطوف, رقيق
behaving in a way that shows the lack of pride or sense of superiority over others
متواضع, بسيط
(of a person) able to express oneself clearly and effectively
فصيح, بارع
able to utilize language to convey something well, especially in a persuasive manner
فصيح, بليغ
showing kindness, empathy, and understanding toward others, especially during times of difficulty or suffering
رحيم, مُتعاطف
able to be trusted to perform consistently well and meet expectations
موثوق, موثوق به
able to be relied on to do what is needed or asked of
موثوق, يمكن الاعتماد عليه
friendly and easy to talk to, making others feel comfortable and welcome in one's presence
ودود, قابل للتحدث
having the ability to understand and share the feelings of others
متعاطف, رحيم
(of a thing or type of behavior) appropriate for or intended to defend one against damage or harm
وقائي, حامي
caring and attentive to the needs, feelings, or well-being of others
مُراعٍ, رَحيم
having an appealing and persuasive personality that attracts and influences others
كاريزمي, جذاب
showing care and understanding toward other people, especially when they are not feeling good
مُتعاطف, مُتفهم
characterized by kindness, politeness, and a warm, welcoming demeanor
رائع, كريم
showing concern for the well-being of others and being kind and supportive in one's actions and interactions
مُهتم, عطوف
capable of understanding other people's emotions and caring for them
حساس, ملموس
confident in expressing one's opinions, ideas, or needs in a clear, direct, and respectful manner
حازم, واثق
showing compassion, kindness, and consideration towards others
إنساني, رأفة
expressing much attention and love toward someone or something
مخلص, م devoted
exceptionally impressive, daring, and cool in an unconventional or rebellious way
رائع, متمرد
following the same course of action or behavior over time
متناسق, ثابت
having the ability to understand and share the feelings, emotions, and experiences of others
متعاطف, متفهم
having a strong interest or involvement in the arts, often showing a creative or unconventional style
فني, إبداعي