
أفعال سير الأحداث - الأفعال للبدء

هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الأفعال الإنجليزية التي تشير إلى البداية مثل "start"، و"launch"، و"embark".




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Categorized English Verbs Denoting Course of Events
to begin

to do or experience the first part of something

يبدأ, يشرع

يبدأ, يشرع

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to start

to begin something new and continue doing it, feeling it, etc.

يبدأ, يشرع في

يبدأ, يشرع في

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to start off

to begin to act, happen, etc. in a particular manner

يبدأ, ينطلق

يبدأ, ينطلق

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to come on

to begin doing something in a manner that is sudden and unexpected

فاجأ, ظهر فجأة

فاجأ, ظهر فجأة

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to set in

to occur, often referring to something unwelcome

يستقر, يتجسد

يستقر, يتجسد

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to break out

(of an infectious disease) to start and spread within a community

تفشي, انتشر

تفشي, انتشر

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to launch

to start an organized activity or operation

إطلاق, بدء

إطلاق, بدء

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to roll out

to officially introduce or launch a new product, service, or system

إطلاق, تنفيذ

إطلاق, تنفيذ

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to embark

to start or initiate something, such as a new project or venture

البدء, الانطلاق

البدء, الانطلاق

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to proceed

to begin a process or course of action

يتابع, يبدأ

يتابع, يبدأ

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to commence

to start happening or being

يبدأ, يشرع

يبدأ, يشرع

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to found

to create or establish an organization or place, especially by providing the finances

أسس, أنشأ

أسس, أنشأ

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to introduce

to begin or initiate something, such as an event, process, or activity

يقدم, يعرّف

يقدم, يعرّف

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to pioneer

to be the first one to do, use, invent, or discover something

رائد, وضع الأسس لـ

رائد, وضع الأسس لـ

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to initiate

to start a new course of action

يبدأ, initiates

يبدأ, initiates

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to inaugurate

to officially start or introduce something



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to activate

to make something such as a process, piece of equipment, etc. start working

تفعيل, تشغيل

تفعيل, تشغيل

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to switch on

to make something start working usually by flipping a switch

تشغيل, تشغيل الجهاز

تشغيل, تشغيل الجهاز

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to turn on

to cause a machine, device, or system to start working or flowing, usually by pressing a button or turning a switch

تشغيل, فتح

تشغيل, فتح

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to institute

to establish or introduce something, such as a policy or program

أوجد, أسس

أوجد, أسس

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to establish

to introduce or create laws or policies

إنشاء, تأسيس

إنشاء, تأسيس

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to originate

to start to be

ينشأ, يبدأ

ينشأ, يبدأ

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to develop

(particularly something unpleasant) to begin to happen, exist, or change

يتطور, يتشكل

يتطور, يتشكل

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to take up

to make a new interest or hobby a regular part of one's life

يكتسب عادة, يبدأ ممارسة

يكتسب عادة, يبدأ ممارسة

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to go about

to continue or start an activity

يواصل, يبدأ

يواصل, يبدأ

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to set out

to begin doing something in order to reach a goal

بدأ, عزم على

بدأ, عزم على

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to dive into

to immerse oneself fully and enthusiastically into a particular activity, subject, or experience

يتعمق في, يغوص في

يتعمق في, يغوص في

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to set off

to start a journey

ينطلق, يبدأ الرحلة

ينطلق, يبدأ الرحلة

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to get down to

to start focusing on and engaging in a task or activity in a serious or determined manner

يبدأ في, يتفرغ لـ

يبدأ في, يتفرغ لـ

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to burst into

to suddenly and intensely begin to express a particular emotion or reaction

انفجر في, فجأة تعرض ل

انفجر في, فجأة تعرض ل

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to launch into

to start doing something suddenly and with great enthusiasm

انطلق في, بدأ بحماس

انطلق في, بدأ بحماس

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to start out

to begin taking the early steps regarding an action, project, or goal

يبدأ, يشرع في

يبدأ, يشرع في

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to set about

to start a task, action, or process with determination and inspiration

شرع في, بدأ

شرع في, بدأ

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