العلوم الطبيعية SAT - الكيمياء الحيوية وبنية الخلية
ستتعلم هنا بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالكيمياء الحيوية وبنية الخلية، مثل "الدهون" و"الإنزيم" و"الأنسجة"، والتي سوف تحتاجها للتفوق في اختبار SAT الخاص بك.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
a substance found in the cell walls of plants, providing structure and making up dietary fiber
a natural sugar found in fruits and honey, often used to sweeten foods and drinks
فركتوز, سكر الفاكهة
a basic kind of sugar that is a component of carbohydrates and provides energy for many living organisms
a short chain of amino acids linked together, which can function as a building block for proteins or act as a signaling molecule in the body
a type of pigment found in plants, algae, and some bacteria, responsible for bright red, yellow, and orange colors and important for photosynthesis and antioxidant activity
كاروتينويد, صبغة كاروتينويد
a substance that all living organisms produce that brings about a chemical reaction without being altered itself
إنزيم, محفز
the entire set of proteins expressed by a cell, tissue, or organism at a specific time under defined conditions
a molecule that forms the basic building block of DNA and RNA, consisting of a sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base
a simple sugar molecule, the most basic form of carbohydrates that cannot be further hydrolyzed
سكر أحادي
a fundamental compound derived from glutamic acid, integral to biological functions and known for its role as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system
غلوتمات, غلوتمات أحادي الصوديوم
a substance, such as vitamin E, that helps clean the body of harmful substances
مضاد للأكسدة, مادة مضادة للأكسدة
any of a class of organic substances that do not dissolve in water that include many natural oils, waxes, and steroids
دهون, مادة دهنية
a specialized, membrane-bound structure within a cell that performs specific functions, contributing to the cell's overall structure and function
relating to or characteristic of mitochondria, which are organelles found in cells responsible for energy production
الميتوكوندري, متعلق بالميتوكوندريا
the gel-like, semifluid substance within a cell that surrounds the organelles, providing a medium for cellular activities, including metabolism, transport of substances, and support for cellular structures
السيتوبلازم, سيتوبلازم
a green pigment found in all green plants and cyanobacteria that is responsible for the absorption of the sunlight needed for the photosynthesis process
a thin sheet of tissue that separates or covers the inner parts of an organism
a group of cells in the body of living things, forming their different parts
نسيج, نسيج عضلي
a type of tissue that lines the surfaces and cavities of organs and structures throughout the body, serving protective, absorptive, and secretory functions
a cellular organelle involved in the processing, packaging, and distribution of proteins and lipids within the cell, consisting of a stack of flattened membrane sacs called cisternae
جهاز جولجي, معقد جولجي
a tiny structure within cells that assembles proteins by reading the genetic instructions carried by messenger RNA
a small, enzyme-filled sac in a cell that breaks down waste materials and unwanted substances
a cell organelle in plants, fungi, and some protists that stores nutrients, manages waste, and helps maintain cell pressure
(biology) the part of a cell that contains most of the genetic information
a plant cell organelle that uses sunlight to produce energy and make glucose through photosynthesis
a network of protein fibers in a cell that gives it shape, supports its structure, and aids in movement
هيكل خلوي
a branch of biology concerning the scientific study of the form and structure of an organism including plants and animals
علم الشكل, مرفولوجيا
a layer of actively dividing cells in plants, responsible for secondary growth by producing new xylem and phloem tissues
الكامبيوم, الكامبيوم الوعائي