
Kniha Solutions - Pokročilý - Jednotka 5 - 5A - Část 2

Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Unit 5 - 5A - Part 2 v učebnici Solutions Advanced, jako je "delegate", "renounce", "ambush" atd.









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Solutions - Advanced
to renounce

to resign from power or duties

vzdát se, abdikovat

vzdát se, abdikovat

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to delegate

to give part of the power, authority, work, etc. to a representative

delegovat, pověřit

delegovat, pověřit

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to devolve

to transfer one's position to the next person in the line of succession, usually due to the loss or failure of a previous holder

předávat, delegovat

předávat, delegovat

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the ability to control or have an effect on things or people

moc, síla

moc, síla

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to carry out

to complete or conduct a task, job, etc.

provést, uskutečnit

provést, uskutečnit

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to launch

to push or throw something strongly

vrhnout, hodit

vrhnout, hodit

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to lead

to be the leader or in charge of something

řídit, vést

řídit, vést

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to make

to form, produce, or prepare something, by putting parts together or by combining materials

dělat, vyrábět

dělat, vyrábět

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to mount

to initiate, prepare, or organize a plan, project, or event

uspořádat, připravit

uspořádat, připravit

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to spearhead

to be the person who leads something like an attack, campaign, movement, etc.

vést, stát v čele

vést, stát v čele

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to come under

to fall within the authority or control of someone or something

spadat pod, být pod

spadat pod, být pod

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to suffer

to experience and be affected by something bad or unpleasant

trpět, snášet

trpět, snášet

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an act of violence or aggression against a place or a person

útok, agrese

útok, agrese

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[Podstatné jméno]
to assemble

(of people) to gather in a place for a particular purpose

shromáždit se, svolat se

shromáždit se, svolat se

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to create

to bring something into existence or make something happen

vytvářet, tvořit

vytvářet, tvořit

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to form

to combine parts or bring them together to create something

tvořit, zakládat

tvořit, zakládat

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to send

to have a person, letter, or package physically delivered from one location to another, specifically by mail

poslat, odeslat

poslat, odeslat

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to deploy

to position soldiers or equipment for military action

nasadit, umístit

nasadit, umístit

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to use

to do something with an object, method, etc. to achieve a specific result

používat, využívat

používat, využívat

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to lay

to make preparations or get something ready for a specific action or operation

připravit, založit

připravit, založit

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to prepare

to make a person or thing ready for doing something

připravit, připravovat

připravit, připravovat

Google Translate
to set up

to establish a fresh entity, such as a company, system, or organization

založit, nastavit

založit, nastavit

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to lie

to have its foundation in something, indicating the underlying cause, source, or essence

ležet, spočívat

ležet, spočívat

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to wait

to not leave until a person or thing is ready or present or something happens

čekat, vyčkávat

čekat, vyčkávat

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to stage

to organize and present something, typically a performance or an event

uvést, organizovat

uvést, organizovat

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to run into

to unexpectedly face a difficult situation or problem

narazit na, setkat se s

narazit na, setkat se s

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to walk into

to become involved in something unpleasant because of carelessness or ignorance

vložit se do, zaplést se do

vložit se do, zaplést se do

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a surprise attack or trap set by one party against another, typically while the targeted party is unaware or unprepared

léčka, nastražený útok

léčka, nastražený útok

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[Podstatné jméno]
to occupy

to come to power and control in a place using military force

okupovat, zabrat

okupovat, zabrat

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a piece of land with a government of its own, official borders, laws, etc.

země, národ

země, národ

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[Podstatné jméno]

a particular part or region of a city, country, or the world

oblast, část

oblast, část

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[Podstatné jméno]

the state or process of losing a person or thing

ztráta, úbytek

ztráta, úbytek

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[Podstatné jméno]
to inflict

to cause or impose something unpleasant, harmful, or unwelcome upon someone or something

způsobit, uvalit

způsobit, uvalit

Google Translate

an accident that is deadly or injures one terribly

oběť, raněný

oběť, raněný

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[Podstatné jméno]

an important discovery or development that helps improve a situation or answer a problem

průlom, pokrok

průlom, pokrok

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[Podstatné jméno]
to put up

to construct a building or object in a particular location

postavit, vybudovat

postavit, vybudovat

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the act of refusing to accept or obey something such as a plan, law, or change

odpor, opozice

odpor, opozice

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[Podstatné jméno]
to supply

to provide something needed or wanted

dodávat, zabezpečit

dodávat, zabezpečit

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any tool or object used in fighting or hunting

zbraň, nástroj pro boj

zbraň, nástroj pro boj

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[Podstatné jméno]
to station

to send a person to a particular place in order to carry out a duty, particularly a military person

umístit, zadat

umístit, zadat

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an organized public demonstration expressing strong disapproval of an official policy or action

protest, demonstrační akce

protest, demonstrační akce

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[Podstatné jméno]
to claim

to succeed in doing or achieving something

nárok, dosáhnout

nárok, dosáhnout

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the success that is achieved in a competition, game, war, etc.



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[Podstatné jméno]
to lose one's life

to pass away

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