Přídavná Jména Popisující Smyslové Zkušenosti - Přídavná jména konzistence
Tato přídavná jména popisují fyzikální stav nebo strukturu látek a úroveň, na které drží pohromadě.
consisting of a hard building material that is made of the mixture of cement, water, sand, and small stones
betonový, konkrétní
thick and difficult to see through, often used to describe fog or smoke
hustý, tlustý
closely packed together or firmly united, as in a tight formation
kompaktní, soustředěný
firm and stable in form, not like a gas or liquid
pevný, stabilní
having the ability to flow or move smoothly without interruption or obstruction
tekutý, plynulý
having a sticky quality, often resembling a gel-like texture
lepivý, želatinový
having a soft and pulpy texture, often lacking firmness
měkký, mohutný
having a slippery, wet, and often unpleasant texture
slizký, kluzký
having a thin and watery texture, often flowing freely on a surface
tekutý, řidký
having a texture or structure made up of small, distinct particles or grains
granulární, zrnkový
thick and sticky, resembling the consistency of glue
viskózní, hustý
(of food) having a liquid or watery consistency
polévkový, tekutý
having a soft and compressible texture with pores
houbový, měkký
having a flexible quality, capable of returning to its original shape after being stretched or compressed
elastický, flexibilní
(of the air, fog, etc.) heavily packed with particles, moisture, or pollutants, making it difficult to see or breathe
hustý, silný
(of liquids or other similar substances) flowing freely due to not containing a lot of solid material
řidký, tenký
having a texture that is soft and mushy, often referring to food that has been overripe or crushed
dužinatý, měkký
having a partially melted, semi-liquid consistency, often associated with snow or ice
rozblácený, náledí
having a thick, sticky consistency that seeps out gradually
lepkavý, viskózní