
Slovesa Související s Tématem Lidských Činností - Slovesa související s konflikty a vojenskými akcemi

Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovesa odkazující na konflikty a vojenské akce, jako je „raid“, „disarm“ a „ambush“.









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Categorized English Topic-Related Verbs of Human Actions
to attack

to begin using weapons against a place or enemy during a war

napadnout, útočit

napadnout, útočit

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to raid

(of police) to unexpectedly visit a person or place to arrest suspects or find illegal goods

vykonat razii, provést prohlídku

vykonat razii, provést prohlídku

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to fight

to take part in a violent physical action against someone

bojovat, větřit

bojovat, větřit

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to retreat

(of military) to move away in order to escape the danger because one has been defeated or is weak

ustoupit, zneškodnit

ustoupit, zneškodnit

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to enlist

to join the armed forces

přihlásit se, vstoupit

přihlásit se, vstoupit

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to mobilize

(of a state) to organize and prepare for a military operation

mobilizovat, připravit k akci

mobilizovat, připravit k akci

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to muster

to gather individuals, like military or jury duty personnel, to fulfill their assigned duties

shromáždit, sehnat

shromáždit, sehnat

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to weaponize

to adapt or use something, like technology or resources, for the purpose of creating a weapon or strengthening military capabilities

ozbrojit, militarizovat

ozbrojit, militarizovat

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to arm

to provide individuals or groups with weapons, ensuring they have the necessary equipment for defense or offense

ozbrojit, vybavit

ozbrojit, vybavit

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to disarm

to deprive someone or something of weapons or the ability to cause harm

 odzbrojit, zbavit zbraní

odzbrojit, zbavit zbraní

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to blitz

to carry out a sudden and intense military attack

zaútočit, lehce napadnout

zaútočit, lehce napadnout

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to station

to send a person to a particular place in order to carry out a duty, particularly a military person

umístit, zadat

umístit, zadat

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to target

to aim to shoot at or attack a certain person or thing

zaměřit, cílit

zaměřit, cílit

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to aim

to direct or guide something such as a weapon at a person or thing

zamířit, soustředit

zamířit, soustředit

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to bomb

to attack someone or something using explosive devices

bombardovat, vyhodit do povětří

bombardovat, vyhodit do povětří

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to fire

to shoot a bullet, shell, etc. from a weapon

střílet, vystřelit

střílet, vystřelit

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to shoot

to release a bullet or arrow from a gun or bow

střílet, vrhat

střílet, vrhat

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to miss

to not hit or touch what was aimed at

minout, zkazit

minout, zkazit

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to bombard

to drop bombs on someone or something continuously

bombardovat, ostřelovat

bombardovat, ostřelovat

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to shell

to use explosives on a target

bombardovat, ostřelovat

bombardovat, ostřelovat

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to ambush

to wait in a concealed location and launch a surprise attack on a target

přepadnout, činit lest

přepadnout, činit lest

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to spearhead

to be the person who leads something like an attack, campaign, movement, etc.

vést, stát v čele

vést, stát v čele

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to invade

to enter a territory using armed forces in order to occupy or take control of it

invazovat, obsadit

invazovat, obsadit

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to war

to engage in armed conflict

válčit, bojovat

válčit, bojovat

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to call up

to bring soldiers into action for military service

mobilizovat, povolat

mobilizovat, povolat

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to gun down

to seriously injure or kill a person by shooting them, particularly someone who is defenseless

postřelit, zastřelit

postřelit, zastřelit

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to shoot down

to fire upon an aircraft or another object with the intent of bringing it to the ground

sestřelit, zastřelit

sestřelit, zastřelit

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to reconnoiter

to make a military observation or examination of an area to gather information, often in preparation for a future action

prozkoumat, udělat průzkum

prozkoumat, udělat průzkum

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