人間の行動に関するトピック関連動詞 - 紛争や軍事行動に関連する動詞
(of police) to unexpectedly visit a person or place to arrest suspects or find illegal goods
襲撃する, 押収する
(of military) to move away in order to escape the danger because one has been defeated or is weak
撤退する, 退却する
to gather individuals, like military or jury duty personnel, to fulfill their assigned duties
招集する, 集める
to adapt or use something, like technology or resources, for the purpose of creating a weapon or strengthening military capabilities
武器化する, 軍事化する
to provide individuals or groups with weapons, ensuring they have the necessary equipment for defense or offense
武装させる, 装備させる
to deprive someone or something of weapons or the ability to cause harm
武装解除する, 無力化する
to send a person to a particular place in order to carry out a duty, particularly a military person
配置する, 配置させる
to wait in a concealed location and launch a surprise attack on a target
待ち伏せする, 奇襲する
to be the person who leads something like an attack, campaign, movement, etc.
先導する, リードする
to enter a territory using armed forces in order to occupy or take control of it
侵攻する, 侵入する
to seriously injure or kill a person by shooting them, particularly someone who is defenseless
撃つ, 襲撃する
to fire upon an aircraft or another object with the intent of bringing it to the ground
撃ち落とす, 撃つ
to make a military observation or examination of an area to gather information, often in preparation for a future action
偵察する, リコンする