Čtenářská Gramotnost pro Zkoušku ACT - Užitečnost a tvorba
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s užitkem a tvorbou, jako je „devise“, „nepraktické“, „záložní“ atd., která vám pomohou dosáhnout úspěchu ve vašich ACT.
something extra that adds to the usefulness or effectiveness of another item

příslušenství, doplněk

the quality or worth of something, typically based on its excellence, value, or achievements

zásluha, hodnota

the act of utilizing something effectively for a specific purpose or task

aplikace, použití

(computing) a copy of computer data that can be used to restore lost or damaged data


a thing that is used as an inferior and temporary substitute for something that is not available

dočasný náhrada, provizorium

a temporary solution or measure used to address an immediate problem or issue

dočasné řešení, nouzová opatření

the ability to act or function with minimum effort, time, and resources

efektivita, výkonnost

the process of absorbing, using, or taking in something, such as nutrients, information, or resources

absorpce, vstřebávání

the part of something that remains after the main part has been used or taken away

zbytek, zbývající část

someone or something's role in achieving a specific result, particularly a positive one

příspěvek, přispění

useful to each other or enhancing each other's qualities when brought together

komplementární, doplňkový

to be an important factor or contributor to a specific result
(of things) able to be used or applied in multiple ways or for various purposes

víceúčelový, univerzální

capable of being used or exchanged in place of one another

vyměnitelný, zaměnitelný

relevant to someone or something in a particular context or situation

aplikovatelný, relevantní

acting as an alternative or replacement for something or somone else

náhradní, substituční

a remaining portion of something, often used to describe food that has not been eaten or a material that has not been used up

zbytek, zbytky

to apply or utilize a device, tool, or method for a specific purpose

implementovat, aplikovat

to accept, embrace, or incorporate a particular idea, practice, or belief into one's own behavior or lifestyle

adoptovat, přijmout

to adapt or modify something for a different use or purpose than its original one

přizpůsobit, použít znovu

to use the power or potential of something effectively for a specific purpose

využít, zkrotit

to skillfully control or work with information, a system, tool, etc.

manipulovat, ovládat

to take something or someone's position or place, particularly due to being more effective or up-to-date

nahradit, supersedovat

to utilize or take full advantage of something, often resources, opportunities, or skills

využít, exploatovat

to make something by putting separate parts of something together

sestavit, montovat

to make something from a piece of metal object by heating it until it becomes soft and then beating it with a hammer

kovat, modelovat

to create or make something by putting different parts or materials together

tvarovat, vytvářet

to create something by organizing and combining ideas or components in a logical and coherent way

konstruovat, stavět

to cause something to be created, particularly in large numbers

vytvářet, způsobovat

to cleverly come up with an idea, theory, or plan using creative thinking

vymyslet, naplánovat

to create a company or organization with the intention of running it over the long term

založit, ustanovit

to create or make up something, especially with the intent to deceive

fabrikovat, falšovat

to make a new product or provide a new service and introduce it to the public

uvést, spustit