Grundlegende Substantive - Gefühle
Hier lernen Sie englische Substantive, die mit Gefühlen zu tun haben, wie "Einsamkeit," "Dankbarkeit," und "Freude."
a sense of sadness or melancholy arising from being alone or lacking companionship
Einsamkeit, Traurigkeit
a state of unease, distress, or agitation experienced psychologically, often stemming from stress, anxiety, or emotional strain
Unbehagen, Unruhe
a state of feeling peaceful and relaxed, without being upset or anxious
the very strong emotion we have for someone or something that is important to us and we like a lot and want to take care of
the quality of being thankful or showing appreciation for something
a feeling of much respect for and approval of someone or something
a state of being free from pain, worry, or other unpleasant feelings
Komfort, Trost
a feeling of happiness when one's needs are satisfied
Erfüllung, Zufriedenheit
a happy and positive state of mind or attitude
Fröhlichkeit, Heiterkeit
the feeling of being amazed, fascinated, or filled with admiration or curiosity about something remarkable or extraordinary
Bewunderung, Erstaunen
a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen or to be true
feelings of care and understanding toward other people's emotions, especially sadness or suffering
Mitgefühl, Sympathie
a feeling of comfort that comes when something annoying or upsetting is gone
a strong wish to learn something or to know more about something
a feeling of pleasure that one experiences after doing or achieving what one really desired
Zufriedenheit, Befriedigung
a feeling caused by being away from dangers, worries, or fears
Sicherheit, Geborgenheit
the belief in one's own ability to achieve goals and get the desired results
the strong belief that someone is honest or something is true and so we can count on them
a feeling we get when somebody or something is funny and exciting
a feeling of fondness or liking toward someone or something
Zuneigung, Anhänglichkeit
a feeling of extreme sadness caused by something unpleasant
Trauer, Kummer
a feeling of anxiety and worry caused by different life problems
Stress, Spannung
a sudden and intense feeling of surprise, distress, or disbelief caused by something unexpected and often unpleasant
Schock, Überraschung
a feeling of sadness, disappointment, or remorse about something that has happened or been done
Bedauern, Reue
a feeling of irritation or discomfort caused by something that is bothersome, unpleasant, or disruptive
Ärger, Belästigung
a strong feeling that we have when something bad has happened, so we might be unkind to someone or harm them
Zorn, Ärger
a feeling of nervousness or worry about a future event or uncertain outcome
an uneasy feeling that we get because of our own or someone else's mistake or bad manner
a feeling of dissatisfaction, unhappiness, or anger that one might have as a result of wanting what others have
Neid, Eifersucht
a feeling of hesitancy, shame, or fearfulness in social situations
Schüchternheit, Scheu
the feeling of being uninterested or restless because things are dull or repetitive
the feeling of being impatient, annoyed, or upset because of being unable to do or achieve what is desired
Frustration, Enttäuschung
a feeling of distress, shyness, or guilt as a result of an uncomfortable situation
Verlegenheit, Beschämung
anxiety caused by feelings of self-doubt and lack of confidence
Unsicherheit, Furcht
a feeling of annoyance or discomfort caused by something that is bothersome or unpleasant
Reizung, Ärger