Einwürfe - Einwürfe von Glückwünschen
Diese Interjektionen werden verwendet, wenn der Redner seinem Publikum zu verschiedenen Anlässen Gesundheit oder Erfolg wünschen oder ihm gratulieren möchte.
used to convey good wishes, luck, or success to someone when saying goodbye or ending a letter
used to convey heartfelt regards, good intentions, and positive thoughts to someone
used to hope that someone succeeds in doing something or wish them good luck in doing so
Viel Glück!
used to express well wishes, particularly after someone has sneezed
used to wish someone a good appetite or enjoyable meal before they start eating
Guten Appetit!
used to wish someone a safe and secure journey before they embark on a trip
Gute Reise!
used to wish someone a safe and enjoyable journey before they embark on a trip
Gute Reise! Wir wünschen dir eine sichere und unvergessliche Reise.
used to offer congratulations or express good wishes to someone
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
used to express joy, admiration, or praise for someone's achievements, successes, or happy occasions.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
used to express congratulations or offer good wishes to someone who has experienced a joyous event or achievement
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
used to express good wishes and congratulations to someone on their birthday
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
used to express good wishes and encouragement for someone to enjoy themselves and experience enjoyment or pleasure during an activity or event
Viel Spaß!
used to express goodwill or congratulations, often when raising a glass or offering a toast
used to raise a glass in a toast, especially when drinking alcoholic beverages