Φραστικά Ρήματα με Χρήση του 'On' & 'Upon' - Ανάλογα, Εμπιστοσύνη ή Ενθάρρυνση (Ενεργό)
to cheer on
to loudly support or encourage someone, especially during a performance or competition
επευφημώντας κάποιον
to egg on
to encourage or provoke someone to do something, especially something risky
δελεάζοντας κάποιον
to found on
to be established or rooted in a specific idea, belief, or principle
to hinge on
(of an outcome, decision, or situation) to depend entirely on a particular factor or set of circumstances
to lean on
to rely on something, such as a wall, for physical support or stability
to ride on
to achieve success or progress based on the outcome of a particular situation or circumstance
Λήψη εφαρμογής LanGeek