Λίστα Λέξεων Επιπέδου C2 - Γλώσσα του σώματος και συναισθηματικές ενέργειες
Εδώ θα μάθετε όλες τις βασικές λέξεις για να μιλήσετε για τη Γλώσσα του Σώματος και τις Συναισθηματικές Δράσεις, που συλλέγονται ειδικά για μαθητές επιπέδου C2.
to facepalm
to cover one's face with one's hand, particularly the palm, often as an expression of frustration, embarrassment, or disbelief
to canoodle
to engage in affectionate and intimate behavior, such as hugging, kissing, or cuddling
to pamper
to treat someone with extra care, attention, and comfort, often with the intention of making them feel good or relaxed
to blow a raspberry
to make a buzzing or vibrating sound by blowing air through a curled tongue between the lips, often as a sign of playful teasing
to flutter one's eyelashes
to blink quickly in a way that gets someone's attention, often done to show interest or flirt

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