Decisión y Control - Elecciones y decisiones
Explore modismos en inglés sobre elecciones y decisiones con ejemplos como "cambio de opinión" y "el menor de dos males".
Tarjetas de memoria
a choice made in a situation in which no other options were available

opción única
to choose the most desirable alternative out of the ones available

a choice or option that seems less harmful or unpleasant out of two that one is confronted with

el menor de dos males
a situation in which there is too much of resources or options for one to choose from
used for saying that choosing out of the two possible options is not really going to make a difference as the result will be the same either way

lo mismo da
to consider someone or something when doing or mentioning something
to decide between two possible alternatives or choices that one has

escoger, elegir
to consider something when trying to make a judgment or decision

tener en cuenta
in a state that one is capable of making logical decisions or behaving normally
to adopt a different policy in face of a difficult or unexpected problem
a point in a person's life or a situation where they must make a critical decision or choose between two different options or paths
to think about or consider something very carefully, particularly with the intention of improving it in mind
to change one's opinion or decision regarding something

cambiar de opinión, cambiar de idea