Lista de Palabras Nivel B2 - Tiempo
Aquí aprenderás algunas palabras en inglés sobre el tiempo, como "age", "calendar", "era", etc. preparadas para estudiantes de B2.
Tarjetas de memoria
a period of one thousand years, usually calculated from the year of the birth of Jesus Christ

a region of the earth that has the same standard time

zona horaria, huso horario
used to indicate that something should have happened or been done earlier

ya era hora, ya es hora
a timepiece that shows the time in a very exact way, especially one used at sea

a glass container with two parts that measures every sixty minutes using the sand flow from the upper to the lower part

reloj de arena
a type of clock that works using a swinging weight at the end of a straight line

reloj de péndulo
an instrument used in the past to tell the time using the shadow made by a metal piece on a flat stone

reloj de sol
the fact or quality of arriving, happening, or being done after the usual or expected time

at the present time, with the understanding that the current situation or decision may be changed in the near future

por el momento