Lista de Palabras Nivel C2 - Cambiando y formando
Aquí aprenderá todas las palabras esenciales para hablar sobre Cambiar y Formar, recopiladas específicamente para estudiantes de nivel C2.
Tarjetas de memoria
to completely transform something into a different form

transmogrificar, transformar

to change from a liquid to a semi-solid or solid state, often through the process of clotting or curdling

to change from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid phase

sublimar, pasar directamente de sólido a gas

to cause an object or image to change its shape smoothly and seamlessly

morfear, transformar

to become limp or droopy, usually due to lack of water or loss of vitality

marchitarse, marchitar

to cause a substance to change directly from the solid phase to the gas phase without passing through the liquid phase

to make something less forceful, potent, or intense by adding additional elements or substances

to heat a liquid and turn it into gas then cool it and make it liquid again in order to purify it

to sharpen or hone the cutting edge of a blade by rubbing it against a sharpening tool or stone

afilar, aguzar

to expand by exploring new areas, options, or opportunities

expandirse, diversificarse

to examine, repair, and make significant improvements or changes to something

to make very precise adjustments, usually small ones, to improve or perfect something

ajustar, afinar

to make something, particularly something unpleasant or unsatisfactory, better or more bearable
