Lista de Palabras Nivel C2 - Pensamientos y decisiones
Aquí aprenderá todas las palabras esenciales para hablar sobre pensamientos y decisiones, recopiladas específicamente para estudiantes de nivel C2.
Tarjetas de memoria
to relive
to experience again, especially in one's thoughts or imagination, as if the event is happening anew

revivir, rememorar

to dredge up
to bring up or uncover something, especially memories or emotions, that were hidden or forgotten

hacer aflorar, revivir

to conceptualize
to form an idea or concept in the mind by combining existing ideas or information

conceptualizar, formar un concepto

to propound
to put an idea, proposition, theory, etc. forward for further consideration

capable of quickly grasping complex topics and offer clear and insightful perspectives


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