توصیف افراد - سلیقه و اراده
اصطلاحات انگلیسی مرتبط با ذائقه و اراده را کاوش کنید، از جمله "حفره خرگوش" و "کار عشق".
to get or do what one wants despite the odds or other people's desires

کار خود را کردن, حرف خود را به کرسی نشاندن
used for saying that someone strongly refuses to participate in or be associated with something, often due to strong dislike, embarrassment, or a sense of moral objection

تحت هیچ شرایطی
a type of activity, subject, etc. that one is very good at or enjoys very much

راستِ کارِ فرد
to be something that one is interested in

(فعالیت) مورد علاقه کسی بودن, اهل کاری بودن
to tell someone that they are really about to enjoy something

تجربه لذتبخشی بودن, کاملا خوش به حال کسی شدن
used for saying that someone can do something whenever and however they want

هر زمان یا هرطور کسی بخواهد, هر زمان یا هرطور کسی لازم بداند
a task that is done only for the sake of one's pleasure and not for any rewards of any kind

کار دلی
to observe someone or something with a great sense of pleasure or fulfillment

با لذت تماشا کردن, مبهوت (چیزی یا کسی) شدن
something that a person finds so interesting that they cannot let go of it

بسیار جالب, اعتیادآور (از شدت جالب بودن)، وسوسهانگیز
to perform any activity in the way that one prefers, paying no attention to what others might say or think about one

مطابق میل خود عمل کردن, آزادانه تصمیم گرفتن
to do whatever makes one happy or satisfied, without caring about other's opinions

کار خود را کردن
to turn something down because one believes that it is not satisfactory enough

دست رد به چیزی زدن
to naturally be good at noticing, judging, or appreciating something, particularly a thing's value or a person's talents

سلیقه خوبی داشتن, شناخت خوبی داشتن
to alter one's facial expression in response to someone or something, often to convey emotions such as dislike, disgust, or mockery

چهره در هم کشیدن, شکلک درآوردن، دهنکجی کردن، ادا درآوردن
to fulfill one's need or desire for something

هوسی را مرتفع ساختن, نیازی را مرتفع ساختن
used to say that someone is indifferent about having, eating, seeing, or doing something

نسبت به چیزی خنثی بودن