to draw a general conclusion based on specific cases that can be irrelevant to other situations

استنباط کلی کردن, نتیجه کلی گرفتن، کلیگویی کردن
referring to traits or features that are shared by all members of a particular biological genus

وابسته به جنس (گیاهان یا حیوانات)
the quality of being kind, understanding and unselfish, especially in providing money or gifts to others

بخشندگی, گشادهدستی
a system of governance where a singular authority rules without any legal or oppositional constraints

a design made of two or more interwoven letters, typically one's initials, used on stationery or embroidered on apparel

a detailed written account of a particular subject, usually in the format of a short book

تکنگاشت, تکنگاری
a spoken expression of one's thoughts or feelings, typically directed towards an audience, delivered by a single individual

an excessive and unhealthy obsession with a singular subject or idea to an extent that it becomes overwhelming and harmful

اشتغال ذهنی با موضوعی واحد, مونومانی، اختلال تفکر