Mga Pandiwa ng Pag-udyok ng Emosyon - Mga Pandiwa para sa Pag-uudyok ng Galit
Dito ay matututunan mo ang ilang mga pandiwang Ingles na tumutukoy sa pagpukaw ng galit tulad ng "nakakainis", "nakakabigo", at "nakakairita".
to make someone feel annoyed or upset for not being able to achieve what they desire

mabulok, magalit

to provoke or tease someone persistently with criticism or mocking remarks

manggulat, tuksuhin

to annoy someone by intentionally or persistently bothering them with small, annoying actions or behaviors

mabalisang, manguyab

to deeply irritate someone, especially when they can do nothing about it or solve the problem

nag-aalip, nagpapa-irita

to irritate someone deeply, often by showing disrespect or by behaving in a way that is offensive

galit, magalit

to disturb or annoy someone, especially through minor irritations

magalit, manggugulo

to annoy or disturb someone, particularly through minor irritations

manggulo, manggulo

to tell someone they did something wrong and express one's anger or disapproval about it

pagsabihan, pagalit