افعال برانگیختن احساسات - افعال برای برانگیختن خشم
در اینجا شما برخی از افعال انگلیسی را که به برانگیختن خشم اشاره می کنند مانند "آزار دادن"، "ناامیدی" و "آزاردهنده" یاد خواهید گرفت.
املای کلمه
to make someone feel annoyed or upset for not being able to achieve what they desire

سرخورده کردن, درمانده کردن
to provoke or tease someone persistently with criticism or mocking remarks

تحریک کردن, مسخره کردن

to annoy someone by intentionally or persistently bothering them with small, annoying actions or behaviors

آزردن, خشمگین کردن
to deeply irritate someone, especially when they can do nothing about it or solve the problem

خشمگین کردن, برانگیختن
to irritate someone deeply, often by showing disrespect or by behaving in a way that is offensive

آزردن, عصبی کردن

to annoy or disturb someone, particularly through minor irritations

برآشفتن, سر به سر گذاشتن
to tell someone they did something wrong and express one's anger or disapproval about it

سرزنش کردن, نرم گفتن