Décision et Contrôle - caractère décisif
Maîtrisez les expressions anglaises concernant le caractère décisif, comme « jeter le fourreau » et « couper et sécher ».
to make up one's mind
to come to a final decision or conclusion after considering different options or possibilities

se décider
to give an inch
(always negative) to refuse to make even a slightest change to one's position, decision, etc.

ne pas céder d'un pouce
to stick to one's guns
to maintain one's beliefs or perspective regardless of others' disagreement
set in one's ways
to refuse to change one's opinions, behaviors, habits, etc.

avoir ses (petites) habitudes
cut and dried
used to describe a situation that has almost no chance of changing as it is already decided
not for all the tea in China
used to express a strong refusal to do something, regardless of the great reward or incentive offered

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