
결정과 통제 - Decisiveness

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학습 시작
English idioms related to Decision & Control
to make up one's mind

to come to a final decision or conclusion after considering different options or possibilities

최종 결정을 내리다

최종 결정을 내리다

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to give an inch

(always negative) ‌to refuse to make even a slightest change to one's position, decision, etc.

무언가를 바꾸기를 거부하다

무언가를 바꾸기를 거부하다

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to sit tight

to refuse to change one's opinion or decision regarding something

자신의 의견과 신념을 고수하는 것

자신의 의견과 신념을 고수하는 것

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to stick to one's guns

to maintain one's beliefs or perspective regardless of others' disagreement

자신의 의견과 신념을 고수하는 것

자신의 의견과 신념을 고수하는 것

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the die is cast

used to say that something is completely decided and cannot be changed

뭔가가 마무리되면

뭔가가 마무리되면

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set in one's ways

to refuse to change one's opinions, behaviors, habits, etc.

자신의 신념을 고수하다

자신의 신념을 고수하다

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to take time by the forelock

to act quickly in order to use an opportunity

기회를 활용

기회를 활용

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cut and dried

used to describe a situation that has almost no chance of changing as it is already decided

변하지 않는

변하지 않는

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not for all the tea in China

used to express a strong refusal to do something, regardless of the great reward or incentive offered

어떤 상황에서도

어떤 상황에서도

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to put one's foot down

to firmly take control and enforce a specific action

고집스럽고 엄격하다

고집스럽고 엄격하다

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to throw away the scabbard

to fully commit to a course of action without any intention of retreat or hesitation

두려움이나 의심 없이 무언가를 하는 것

두려움이나 의심 없이 무언가를 하는 것

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