Verbes d'Action Verbale - Verbes pour plaintes
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques verbes anglais faisant référence à des plaintes telles que « protest », « object » et « grumble ».
to express your annoyance, unhappiness, or dissatisfaction about something
se plaindre
to show disagreement by taking action or expressing it verbally, particularly in public
to express disapproval of something
être en désaccord avec, s'opposer à
to express one's dissatisfaction about something, often informally
se plaindre de, faire des reproches
to strongly and angrily criticize or complain about something
pester contre
to complain quietly or softly, often in a way that others cannot hear or understand
grogner, ronchonner
to express dissatisfaction in a way that is annoying or repetitive
râler, grogner
to argue and express one's disagreement or objection to something
se plaindre
to express dissatisfaction or injustice about something
râler, grogner
to proclaim or issue a denunciation, decree, or strong protest
fulminer, lançer une violente diatribe contre
to make objections, often over small details without a good reason
to complain or criticize persistently, often about trivial issues
se plaindre, critiquer