
Szóbeli Cselekvés Igék - Igék panaszokhoz

Itt elsajátíthat néhány olyan angol igét, amelyek olyan panaszokra utalnak, mint a "tiltakozni", a "tárgy" és a "morog".









Indítsa el a tanulást
Categorized English Verbs of Verbal Action
to complain

to express your annoyance, unhappiness, or dissatisfaction about something

panaszkodni, óvni

panaszkodni, óvni

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to protest

to show disagreement by taking action or expressing it verbally, particularly in public

tiltakozni, ellene mondani

tiltakozni, ellene mondani

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to object

to express disapproval of something

tiltakozni, ellentmondani

tiltakozni, ellentmondani

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to beef

to express one's dissatisfaction about something, often informally

panaszkodni, nyafogni

panaszkodni, nyafogni

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to rail

to strongly and angrily criticize or complain about something

hevesen bírálni, panaszkodni

hevesen bírálni, panaszkodni

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to grumble

to complain quietly or softly, often in a way that others cannot hear or understand

morogni, zúgolódni

morogni, zúgolódni

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to bitch

to strongly and loudly express one's dissatisfaction

nyafog, panaszkodik

nyafog, panaszkodik

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to gripe

to express dissatisfaction about something

panaszkodni, dohányozni

panaszkodni, dohányozni

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to bleat

to express dissatisfaction in a way that is annoying or repetitive

nyafog, panaszkodik

nyafog, panaszkodik

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to remonstrate

to argue and express one's disagreement or objection to something

ellenáll, tiltakozik

ellenáll, tiltakozik

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to whinge

to complain in a persistent and annoying manner

nyavalyogni, nyafogni

nyavalyogni, nyafogni

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to grouse

to express dissatisfaction or injustice about something

panaszkodni, morogni

panaszkodni, morogni

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to demur

to express one's disagreement, refusal, or reluctance

vonakodni, ellenezni

vonakodni, ellenezni

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to fulminate

to proclaim or issue a denunciation, decree, or strong protest

hevesen elítélni, kibocsátani egy nyilatkozatot

hevesen elítélni, kibocsátani egy nyilatkozatot

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to cavil

to make objections, often over small details without a good reason

kifogásolni, morogni

kifogásolni, morogni

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to carp

to complain or criticize persistently, often about trivial issues

nyavalyogni, kifogásolni

nyavalyogni, kifogásolni

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to grouch

to express unhappiness in an irritable manner

morgolni, zsémbelni

morgolni, zsémbelni

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