Phrasal Verbs Utilisant 'Off' & 'In' - Tuer, endommager, tromper (Off)
(of an illness) to cause the death of a person or many people
emporter, faire périr
to cause the death of a character in a work of fiction, typically for dramatic effects or to advance the plot
tuer, éliminer
to take someone's life, typically in association with criminal activity
éliminer, terminer
to dispose of something by giving or selling it to someone else though persuasion or deception
refourguer, débarquer
to present oneself or something as someone or something else in a deceptive manner
faire passer, présenter comme
to target and shoot individuals one after another
éliminer, abattre
to pretend not to be affected by a certain emotion or reaction
faire semblant de ne pas être affecté, dissimuler
to kill someone intentionally and with prior planning
mettre hors de combat, éliminer