Anglais et Connaissances du Monde pour l'ACT - Terre et eau
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques mots anglais liés à la terre et à l'eau, tels que « playa », « erode », « tributary », etc. qui vous aideront à réussir vos ACT.
a piece of land covered in grass and sometimes wild flowers, often used for hay
a thick, tropical forest with tall trees and consistently heavy rainfall
forêt tropicale
a flat-bottomed desert basin that periodically fills with water to form a temporary lake, but remains dry for most of the year
plaine salée, plage aride
an elevated area of land that forms a crest along a hill or mountain range
crête, ridge
a field covered with grass or similar herbs suitable for animals to graze on
a low hill at the base of a mountain or mountain range
contrefort, coteau
an area of land, particularly in reference to its physical or natural features
the highest point or summit, especially of a mountain or hill, where the incline culminates
crête, sommet
a large rock, usually one that has been shaped by natural forces such as water or ice
rocher, gros caillou
a sudden fall of a large mass of dirt or rock down a mountainside or cliff
glissement de terrain
a small, natural hill or raised area of earth, typically formed by natural processes
butte, monticule
related to travel or transport over land, especially across long distances or difficult terrain
terrestre, par voie terrestre
to undergo gradual wearing away or reduction in size, typically as a result of natural forces or environmental factors
a coastal wetland area that is covered by mud or silt at low tide and exposed at high tide
estran, plage vaseuse
a flat strip or ledge of land, located along the side of a road, typically used for drainage or as a barrier
bande, trottoir
a high, steep cliff or bank overlooking a body of water, often formed by erosion or geological processes
falaise, balançoire
the expansive flat Arctic regions, of North America, Asia, and Europe, in which no trees grow and the soil is always frozen
a large area of land, often defined by boundaries, used for specific purposes such as development, agriculture, or conservation
tracte, extension
a fast and turbulent part of a river with swift currents and obstacles like rocks
rapide, rapides
a narrow, shallow watercourse, often flowing through a confined natural channel
ruisseau, écoulement
a watercourse that flows into a larger river or body of water
affluent, tributaire
a small pool of water or other liquid, particularly rainwater
flaque, flaque d'eau
a circular current of water or air that moves against the main flow, creating a small whirlpool or whirl
tourbillon, eddie
the flow or movement of water or a liquid in a specific direction
a small, natural watercourse or stream; typically characterized by a gentle and continuous flow
a slight wave or series of waves on the water's surface caused by a breeze or a disturbance
ondulation, vague légère
a narrow body of water between islands or leading inland from a larger body of water, often serving as a passageway or channel
embouchure, inlet
the gentle, rhythmic movement and sound of water as it washes up onto the shore or against objects
l'onde, le clapotis
the excess liquid, typically water, that exceeds the capacity of an area to contain or absorb it
ruissellement, écoulement
a shallow body of water separated from a larger body of water, often by a barrier island, coral reef, or sandbar
an area of land that is covered with water or is always very wet
marais, marécage
a narrow channel or ravine formed by the erosion of soil, especially by running water during rainfall or storms
ravin, ruisseau
a stagnant or slow-moving channel or inlet, often connected to a larger body of water, such as a marsh, swamp, or backwater
marais, bourbier
the scattered droplets or particles of water or liquid that result from something being struck or dispersed forcefully
éclaboussure, gicler
a steep, deep, and narrow sea inlet surrounded by tall cliffs, created by a glacier
a very high wave or series of waves caused by an undersea earthquake or volcanic eruption