GRE के लिए उन्नत शब्दावली - पहलू और शिष्टाचार
यहां आप पहलुओं और शिष्टाचार के बारे में कुछ अंग्रेजी शब्द सीखेंगे, जैसे कि "क्रेवेन", "अपमानित", "प्रोसिक", आदि जो जीआरई परीक्षा के लिए आवश्यक हैं।
समीक्षा करें
a type of manner that is composed and confident, often when one is facing a difficult situation

आत्मविश्वास, धैर्य

a state of embarrassment due to failing, getting humiliated, or disappointed

बेचारगी, दुख

a bad-tempered person who is easily annoyed and angered, usually old in age

ख़राब मूडी व्यक्ति, ख़राब स्वभाव वाला व्यक्ति

a prideful and unfriendly manner of behaving that showcases one's belief of being better than others

घमंड, अहंकार

a way of behaving that is relaxed, as if one has no problems or concerns

उदासीनता, चिंता रहित

to repeatedly annoy or harass someone with requests or questions

कष्ट देना, परेशान करना

to force a person into doing something by threatening or frightening them

धमकाना, डराना

to make someone suffer from a lot of emotional or mental pain

छिद्रित करना, कष्ट देना

(of people) open and willing to let suggestions influence them

आसान प्रभावित होने वाला, सहमत

requiring so much effort, mostly physical, that will cause exhaustion

कठिन, थकाने वाला

overly satisfied or content with one's current situation or achievements, often to the point of neglecting potential risks or improvements

आत्मसंतुष्ट, अतिभ्रष्ट

slow or reluctant to understand things or respond emotionally to something

मूर्ख, उदासीन

demanding immediate obedience, particularly in a way that sounds unfriendly or rude

निर्णयात्मक, आज्ञाप्रद

quick to understand and judge people, things, and situations accurately

जागरूक, विवेकी

paying a lot of attention to the correctness of behavior or to detail

सतर्क, सूक्ष्म