المفردات المتقدمة للاختبار GRE - الجوانب والأخلاق
هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية حول الجوانب والأخلاق، مثل "craven"، "مهجور"، "prosaic"، وما إلى ذلك اللازمة لامتحان GRE.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
a type of manner that is composed and confident, often when one is facing a difficult situation

ثقة, رباطة جأش

a bad-tempered person who is easily annoyed and angered, usually old in age

متجهم, عابس

a prideful and unfriendly manner of behaving that showcases one's belief of being better than others

تعالي, تكبر

a way of behaving that is relaxed, as if one has no problems or concerns

لا مبالاة, سرحان

to force a person into doing something by threatening or frightening them

تخويف, تهديد

overly satisfied or content with one's current situation or achievements, often to the point of neglecting potential risks or improvements

راضي عن النفس, مكتفي بالنفس

demanding immediate obedience, particularly in a way that sounds unfriendly or rude

ملزم, مطلق