समाज, कानून, और राजनीति - सीमा शुल्क और सामाजिक अनुरूपता
रीति-रिवाजों और सामाजिक अनुरूपता के संबंध में अंग्रेजी कहावतों में महारत हासिल है, जैसे "रिवाज अज्ञानी का मार्गदर्शक है" और "इतने सारे देश, इतने सारे रीति-रिवाज"।
समीक्षा करें
used for implying that it is more beneficial to let go of outdated or harmful practices and customs in favor of positive change and improvement
एक बुरा रिवाज़ एक अच्छे केक की तरह है, इसे रखने से बेहतर है तोड़ना
used to warn that blindly following customs and traditions can be detrimental to progress and wisdom, and encourages individuals to question and examine established practices
रीति-रिवाज बुद्धिमानों की व्याधि और मूर्खों की मूर्ति है
used to emphasize that people in different countries have different customs and ways of behaving, and that it's important to recognize and respect these differences
used to suggest that people who lack knowledge or understanding often rely on established habits and traditions as a default guide for decision making
रीति-रिवाज अज्ञानियों का मार्गदर्शक है
used to convey the idea that traditions can be beneficial as a guiding principle but can also become an obstacle to progress or adaptation if they are too rigidly followed
परंपरा एक मार्गदर्शक है, जेलर नहीं
used to imply that it is unwise and futile to act contrary to what is generally accepted or practiced, emphasizing the challenge of going against prevailing norms or opinions