Βιβλίο Top Notch Θεμελιώδες B - Ενότητα 13 - Μάθημα 1
Εδώ θα βρείτε το λεξιλόγιο από την Ενότητα 13 - Μάθημα 1 στο βιβλίο μαθημάτων Top Notch Fundamentals B, όπως "ικανότητα", "κολύμπι", "μουσικό όργανο" κ.λπ.
the fact that one is able or possesses the necessary skills or means to do something
a formal application or proposal made to an authority or organization for a particular action or decision
a musical instrument, usually with six strings, that we play by pulling the strings with our fingers or with a plectrum
a musical instrument that we play by holding it under our chin and moving a bow across its strings
to join two or more pieces of fabric or other materials together, often by using a needle and thread
to create clothing, fabric, etc., typically from wool or thread, using a machine or a pair of long and thin needles
an object or device used for producing music, such as a violin or a piano
a large musical instrument of the violin family that is held upright and is played by pulling a bow across its strings
a large wind instrument with a curved tube and a wide bore that produces the lowest pitches in the brass family
a musical instrument with a curved metal tube and one wide end, which is played by blowing into it while pressing and releasing its three buttons
a wind instrument consisting of a wide hollow end and a sliding metal tube used to vary the pitch and produce a wide range of tones
a tube-like musical instrument that is played by blowing over a hole while covering and uncovering its other holes
a musical instrument with a mouthpiece and keys, that is played by blowing into it
a simple wind instrument with a straight body and finger holes that produces a clear, sweet sound when air is blown through it
a curved metal wind instrument that is played by blowing into it while pressing its buttons
a percussion instrument consisting of a row of wooden bars in different lengths set on a frame, played by a wooden or plastic mallet
a box-like musical instrument that is held in both hands and is played by squeezing and stretching it while pressing its keys