a state of heightened focus and concentration in which a person becomes more responsive to suggestions
hipnózis, hipnotikus állapot
causing a feeling of suspended awareness or focused concentration
hipnotikus, elbűvölő
to induce a temporary altered state of receptive focus through which a subject will respond to suggestions
the legal act of transferring title or rights of property from one party to another through a document
tulajdonátruházás, tulajdonjog átruházása
a feverish or intense level of excitement, energy, and commitment toward an idea, cause, or belief
fervor, lelkesedés
characterized by passionate intensity, burning dedication, and deeply felt enthusiasm
lelkes, forró
implying strong, deep feelings of commitment, belief, or support about someone or something
szenvedélyes, heves
(of a speech sound) having a hissing or hushing effect, as in "s," "sh," or "z"
sziszegő, halk
to hiss in a way meant to convey disapproval, dissent, or a negative reaction
zúgni, rosszalló hangon szisszenni
to help something develop, grow, evolve, etc.
támogatni, felnevelni
any substance that provides nourishment to living organisms
tápanyag, tápláló anyag
containing or able to deliver substances essential for growth, maintenance, and repair of cells and tissues
tápláló, tápértékű
the action or process of disagreeing or disobeying established authority or doctrine
someone who declares opposition to the government of one's country, knowing there is punishment for doing so
disszidens, ellenzéki
later than anticipated or scheduled, but not significantly delayed
kicsit később, enyhén késlekedve
a structure made of strips of wood, metal, or other rigid material arranged in a criss-crossed, grid-like pattern
váz, rács