Könyv: Face2face - Felső-középhaladó - 8-8A egység
Itt találja a Face2Face Upper-Intermediate tankönyv 8-8A részeinek szókészletét, például "kölcsön", "túllépés", "kamatláb" stb.
to buy houses, shares, lands, etc. with the hope of gaining a profit

befektetni, elhelyezni

to use money in exchange for the purchase of a specific item or the utilization of a particular service

költeni valamire, befektetni valamibe

to have more money in one's account than what one owes or what was initially invested
to withdraw more money from a bank account than is available

túllépni a limitet, felvenni a rendelkezésre állónál többet

to give money in the form of physical currency or coins as payment for something
a sum of money that is borrowed from a bank which should be returned with a certain rate of interest

kölcsön, hitelfelvétel

a number that represents how reliable a person or company is when it comes to paying back loans, based on their past financial activity

hitelminősítés, kredit értékelés

the amount that a lender charges a borrower for the use of money, typically calculated based on the amount of the loan and the length of the borrowing period

kamatszám, kamatláb

a bank account that allows frequent deposits and withdrawals, typically using checks, with no prior notice required

folyószámla, számlapénz

a bank account that pays interest on one's deposited money and is intended to help one save over time

megtakarítási számla, spórolószámla

having enough money to cover one's expenses and maintain a desirable lifestyle

jólétű, gazdag