
Könyv: Total English - Középhaladó - 12. egység – Referencia

Itt találja a 12. rész – Hivatkozás a Total English Pre-Intermediate tankönyvben található szókincsét, például „kedvezmény”, „visszavonás”, „nyugta” stb.









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Total English - Pre-intermediate

an agreement between two people or a group of people, based on which they do something particular for one another

megállapodás, alku

megállapodás, alku

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the act of reducing the usual price of something

kedvezmény, árengedmény

kedvezmény, árengedmény

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a piece of metal, typically round and flat, used as money, issued by governments

érme, pénz

érme, pénz

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paper money issued by a government or financial institution that is used to buy goods and services

bankjegy, pénzjegy

bankjegy, pénzjegy

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a machine, usually located outside a bank or in a public place, where customers can withdraw cash using a bank card or credit card

bankautomata, készpénzfelvevő automata

bankautomata, készpénzfelvevő automata

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a machine that is used in restaurants, stores, etc. to calculate the overall price of something, store the received money, and record each transaction

pénztár, kasza

pénztár, kasza

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credit card

a plastic card, usually given to us by a bank, that we use to pay for goods and services

hitelkártya, bankkártya

hitelkártya, bankkártya

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money in bills or coins, rather than checks, credit, etc.

készpénz, pénz készpénzben

készpénz, pénz készpénzben

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the type or system of money that is used by a country

pénznem, valuta

pénznem, valuta

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exchange rate

the value of a country's currency compared to another country's currency

árfolyam, valutaváltás

árfolyam, valutaváltás

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a written or printed document that shows the payment for a set of goods or services has been made

nyugta, bizonyítvány

nyugta, bizonyítvány

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a piece of printed paper that shows the amount of money a person has to pay for goods or services received

számla, bizonyítvány

számla, bizonyítvány

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a pocket-sized, folding case that is used for storing paper money, coin money, credit cards, etc.

pénztárca, táskás

pénztárca, táskás

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a small bag that is used, particularly by women, to carry personal items

táska, pénztárca

táska, pénztárca

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to afford

to be able to pay the cost of something

megengedheti magának, kifizetni tudni

megengedheti magának, kifizetni tudni

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to borrow

to use or take something belonging to someone else, with the idea of returning it

kölcsönözni, kérni

kölcsönözni, kérni

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to earn

to get money for the job that we do or services that we provide

keresni, bevételezik

keresni, bevételezik

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to lend

to give someone something, like money, expecting them to give it back after a while

kölcsönadni, pénzt kölcsönözni

kölcsönadni, pénzt kölcsönözni

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to owe

to have the responsibility of paying someone back a certain amount of money that was borrowed

tartozik, adós

tartozik, adós

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to save

to keep money to spend later

megtakarítani, tárolni

megtakarítani, tárolni

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to spend

to use money as a payment for services, goods, etc.

költeni, elkölt

költeni, elkölt

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to win

to become the most successful, the luckiest, or the best in a game, race, fight, etc.

nyerni, győzni

nyerni, győzni

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to withdraw

to remove something from a specific location or situation

visszavonni, eltávolítani

visszavonni, eltávolítani

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a regular payment made to a retired person by the government or a former employer

nyugdíj, ellátás

nyugdíj, ellátás

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to retire

to leave your job and stop working, usually on reaching a certain age

nyugdíjba vonul, visszavonul

nyugdíjba vonul, visszavonul

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the additional money we give someone such as a waiter, driver, etc. to thank them for the services they have given us

hálózati díj, borravaló

hálózati díj, borravaló

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the amount of money we pay to travel with a bus, taxi, plane, etc.

viteldíj, jegyár

viteldíj, jegyár

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a sum of money that has to be paid, based on one's income, to the government so it can provide people with different kinds of public services

adó, illeték

adó, illeték

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the cost of borrowing money, usually expressed as a percentage of the amount borrowed

kamat, kamatláb

kamat, kamatláb

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an amount of money given by the government or another organization for a specific purpose

támogatás, pályázati pénz

támogatás, pályázati pénz

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a sum of money that is borrowed from a bank which should be returned with a certain rate of interest

kölcsön, hitelfelvétel

kölcsön, hitelfelvétel

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anything that is given as a reward to someone who has done very good work or to the winner of a contest, game of chance, etc.

díj, jutalom

díj, jutalom

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a sum of money given by an educational institution to someone with great ability in order to financially support their education

ösztöndíj, tanulmányi ösztöndíj

ösztöndíj, tanulmányi ösztöndíj

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the money that is paid to a professional or an organization for their services

díj, honorárium

díj, honorárium

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to take part

to participate in something, such as an event or activity

to agree

to hold the same opinion as another person about something

egyetérteni, megegyezni

egyetérteni, megegyezni

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to apologise

to express regret or remorse for one's actions or words that have caused harm or offense to others

megbocsátani, bocsánatot kérni

megbocsátani, bocsánatot kérni

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to apply

to formally request something, such as a place at a university, a job, etc.

pályázni, igényelni

pályázni, igényelni

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to argue

to speak to someone often angrily because one disagrees with them

vitatkozni, érvelni

vitatkozni, érvelni

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to belong

to be one's property

tartozik, tulajdonában van

tartozik, tulajdonában van

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to depend

to be based on or related with different things that are possible

függni, alapozni

függni, alapozni

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