Phrasal Verbs 'Out' Használatával - Próbálkozás, siker vagy kudarc
to defeat and perform better than someone in a competition, sport, business, etc.
legyőzni, meghaladni
to end in a disappointing or weak way, particularly after a good start
elhalványulni, kiábrándulni
to be defeated or surpassed by someone or something else
elveszíteni, megelőzni
to lose the opportunity to do or participate in something useful or fun
lekésni, elveszíteni
to succeed or come to a favorable outcome
sikerül, kedvezően alakul
to choose among a group of people or things
kiválasztani, választani
to not succeed in doing or accomplishing something
megbukik, sikertelen
to try a new theory in real situations to see how well it works or gather feedback
tesztelni, kipróbálni
to perform or demonstrate one's abilities with the aim of getting a specific role or position
kipróbálni, tesztelni