Phrasal Verbs 'Out' Használatával - Bővítés, szétterítés vagy kicsinyítés
to hit the lowest point before things get better
legaljára jutni, a legaljára kerülni
to expand by exploring new areas, options, or opportunities
kiterjedni, diverzifikálni
(of an infectious disease) to start and spread within a community
kitörni, elterjedni
to prolong or extend a situation, event, or process, often unnecessarily
meghosszabbít, elnyújt
to extend in time, length, or duration, often longer than necessary
meghosszabbít, kitol
to extend one's hand or an object toward someone, often to give or offer something to them
nyújtani, felajánlani
to gradually end or fade away, often due to becoming weakened
elgyengülni, kifáradni
to extend a process, activity, or situation
hosszabbítani, kiterjeszteni
to separate a group of things and arrange or place them over a large area
szétteríteni, elhelyezni
to decrease the number or density of something
ritkítani, vékonyítani