C2 Szintű Szólista - Egészségi állapot
Itt megtudhatja az összes lényeges szót az egészségi állapotról, amelyeket kifejezetten a C2-es tanulók számára gyűjtöttek össze.
the infection and inflammation of air sacs in one's lungs, usually caused by a bacterial infection that makes breathing difficult


a medical condition during which mucus accumulates in one's nose, throat, or sinuses and blocks them

nátha, melléküreg-gyulladás

a feeling of being physically ill and irritated without knowing the reason

rossz közérzet, feszültség

any disease or virus that can be easily passed from one person to another

fertőzés, infekció

a condition where an excess amount of blood or other fluid accumulates in a part of the body, leading to swelling or discomfort

duzzadás, felhalmozódás

a region in an organ or tissue that has suffered damage through injury, disease, or other causes


a lesion or sore on the skin that might bleed or even produce a poisonous substance

fekély, sérülés

a mild state of being unwell, often leading to a temporary inability to perform one's usual activities

rosszullét, kellemetlenség

the first person known to have a certain disease, often seen as the starting point of an outbreak

nullás beteg, első eset

a person who has an eating disorder characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight and severe food restriction

anorexiás, anorexiás személy

the prevalence of disease or injury within a specific population over a particular period

morbiditás, betegségelhelyezés

a state of pain or suffering due to a physical or mental condition

szenvedés, gyötrelem

a person who is excessively concerned about their health and often believes they are ill


deeply affected, overwhelmed, or afflicted by a strong emotion, illness, or adversity

sújtott, megrendült

relating to a health condition where a person has a lower than normal number of red blood cells, causing fatigue and weakness

anémikus, anémikus (anémiával kapcsolatos)

abnormally pale, lacking in color, and often associated with illness, shock, or a lack of vitality

sápadt, halvány

relating to a disease or condition that is commonly found in a specific area or group of people

endemikus, helyi

related to a state in which an individual's immune system is weakened or impaired, making them more susceptible to infections and illnesses

immunhiányos, immunrendszer gyenge