Fejlett Szókincs a TOEFL-hez - Érzések és érzelmek
Itt elsajátíthat néhány angol szót az érzésekről és érzelmekről, mint például a „megkövül”, „irtózat”, „undor” stb., amelyek a TOEFL vizsgához szükségesek.
to make someone feel annoyed, anxious, or angry
izgat, felbosszant
to make someone so frightened that they cannot move or speak
kövönni, megbénítani
to bring shame or dishonor on oneself or other people
megszégyenít, megbélyegez
to make someone feel greatly shocked or amazed so much that they are speechless
ledöbbenteni, megdöbbenteni
to hate a behavior or way of thought, believing that it is morally wrong
utál, megvet
expressing love and sexual desire toward someone
szerelmes, romantikus
a state of active opposition or hostility toward someone or something, characterized by conflict and resistance
antagonizmus, ellenállás
likely to cause arguments because of being aggressive
konfrontatív, agresszív
the sadness and worry provoked by an unpleasant surprise
megnyugtatás, zűrzavar
devoid of respect for someone or something
megvető, lenéző
to make someone feel upset, shocked, and sometimes offended about something
undorítani, elborzasztani
furious and frustrated, especially due to an unsolvable problem
felbosszantott, frusztrált
to strongly attract someone and make them interested and excited
elvarázsolni, bűvölni
greatly frightened and worried about something, in a way that is uncontrollable
őrült, sűrű
to make someone feel annoyed or upset for not being able to achieve what they desire
frusztrál, csalódást okoz
to feel intense sorrow, especially because someone has died
gyászol, szomorkodik
having an intense, but often temporary, feeling of love or attraction for someone or something
szerelmes, elragadtatott
boring and repetitive that makes one feel unhappy
unalmas, monoton
to make one feel extremely excited, pleased, and delighted
izgalomba hozni, örömmel eltölteni
feeling disappointed because someone or something is not as worthy or good as one believed
kiábrándult, csalódott
the state of being unhappy and despairing
csüggedés, lehangoltság
a feeling of long-lasting sadness that often cannot be explained
great excitement, anger, or fear that makes someone unable to control their emotions, and as a result, they start laughing, crying, etc.