Kata Kerja untuk Mengelola Informasi dan Objek - Kata Kerja untuk Replikasi dan Imitasi
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata kerja bahasa Inggris yang mengacu pada replikasi dan imitasi seperti "duplikat", "meniru", dan "meniru".
Kartu flash
to create something that is exactly like something else
menyalin, meniru
to create an identical copy or copies of something
menggandakan, menyalin
to take and use the work, words or ideas of someone else without referencing them
plagiasi, menyalin
to copy intellectual material without permission or proper attribution
menyalin, plagiasi
to produce copies of a document or image typically using a photocopier or printer
mencetak, menghasilkan salinan
to create an exact genetic copy of an organism or replicate something closely
to act or pretend to be someone else, typically for the purpose of entertainment or mimicry
to copy the style, technique, or subject matter of another artist or artwork
meniru, meng模徊
to make an attempt at matching or surpassing someone or something, particularly by the means of imitation
meniru, menyaingi
to match the same qualities as someone or something
mensimulasikan, meniru
to imitate something in a humorous or exaggerated manner
mempersendakan, meniru dengan humor
to create a humorous imitation of something, often to mock or satirize it
parodi, menirukan
to copy someone or something in every detail without thinking critically
meniru, menyalin
to copy something original in order to mislead others
memalsukan, menirukan
to create a smaller representation of something using wood, etc.
memodel, memahat